Cathedral Stained Glass Designs from France

Stained glass designs

Cathedral Stained Glass Designs from France
France has so many wonderful gothic cathedrals - real treasure houses of art in all its forms. We are gradually working around them reproducing details from just a small fraction of the beautiful stained glass windows these cathedrals contain. We re-draw them completely to make our artwork - even rose windows - like the wonderful one in the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris ! We were devastated to see the recent fire take hold of this wonderful building, and quite amazed when, like some miraculous ressurection at Easter time, we learned that almost NONE of their ancient stained glass windows had been destroyed in the fiery inferno! The Sainte Chapelle, near to Notre Dame Cathedral, was built by King Louis lX to house the Holy Crown of Thorns of Jesus which he had purchased at enormous cost. The Sainte Chapelle itself was built like a jewelled casket, with stained glass windows reaching high, up to heaven, innovating with minimal stone between the windows. It remains one of the must-see sights in Paris after the Notre Dame Cathedral.

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South Rose Window 6
South Rose Window 6" Roundel
Chartres Cathedral